This system consists of two types of nerves, called cranial nerves and spinal nerves. There are twelve sets of cranial nerves which either emanate from or reach different locations of the brain. There are three types of cranial nerves - sensory, motor, and mixed. Sensory nerves collect sensory information from receptors of the head region (vision, audition, smell, taste, touch, etc.) and carry them to the brain. The motor nerves carry motor impulses originating from the brain to muscles of the head region. For example, movements of the eyeballs are controlled by motor cranial nerves. Mixed nerves have both sensory and motor fibers, which conduct sensory and motor information to and from the brain.
There are thirty one sets of spinal nerves coming out of or reaching to the spinal cord. Each set has sensory and motor nerves. Spinal nerves have two functions. The sensory fibers of the spinal nerves collect sensory information from all over the body (except the head region) and send them to the spinal cord from where they are then carried out to the brain. In addition, motor impulses coming down from the brain are sent to the muscles by the motor fibers of the spinal nerves.
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